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Art Chrisman

Keith was surprised when Tony Thacker suggested visiting CARS - Chrisman’s Auto Rod Specialities - as he specialises in building racing chassis.  Tony assured Keith “You’ll love his place – Hemis everywhere.” We were impressed when we arrived – everyone was hard at work even though the boss, Art Chrisman was not there.  They carried on working although happy for us to look around.

Tony was right – I counted about 15 engines including two monster SOHC engines, blown Arden’s and an assortment of exotic big Hemis –it was difficult to stop Keith smiling.   It was not just the engines – they were working on a number of hot rods too.  Keith was amazed – he’d never seen the paint on an engine block wet sanded and polished to such a smooth finish.  As we were leaving we saw the poor guy hard at work polishing – probably has no finger tips left!

We also noticed the black tyre marks running the length of the yard –about 300 feet – obviously somebody had been playing.  Nice to see they enjoy their work.

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